Introduction to Career Architecture

Many digital professionals float through their careers; sitting in a role that doesn’t suit them because it pays well, finding themselves redundant unexpectedly, or getting to the end of their tether, leaving a role, and taking anything that is offered.
But what if that wasn’t the case? What if at every inflection point in their career, a person could use a process to help them work though the career decisions - to stay at the same role, leave or get a promotion?
Career archtiecture is the process of analysing, structuring and planning your career using your existing design tools
Stage 1 - Career audit
A Career Audit is the analysis phase, where you understand who you are, your life constraints, what careers are available, and how you currently position yourself.
Stage 2 - Career Strategy
Career strategy is the synthesis, strategy and planning phase where you take all the data from the career audit, to make decisions about your career vision, direction and positioning.